How do I share audio or music in a meeting?

Share videos, audio, or play music in your space with these steps

If you want to play music in Katmai, follow these steps in this order:

  1. Make sure you’re in a sound zone with an available screen share. 
  2. Click on an available screen share and when the Chrome screen share pop up appears, select the YouTube option. 
    Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 10.32.02 AM 
    1. Make sure “Also share tab audio” is turned on. 

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  3. Once sharing, right click on the YouTube tab and select “Mute Site." This is important as it will prevent an echo from your machine. 
    Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 10.33.33 AM
  4. Note: This music will be audible for everyone in your sound zone, not the entire space - for example, a shared working space or conference room.  
  5. To stop sharing, simply click the "Stop Sharing" button at the top of your screen. 

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