How do I prevent others from entering my private meeting?

Maintain your privacy in Katmai with these steps.

In Katmai, whenever you're in a Sound Zone, you have the option of using the Close Door feature, which means no one can enter your sound zone. Have private conversations without worrying about sound carrying into the next room.

Offices, meeting rooms, and common areas all have "doors" that can be opened and closed with just a click.

How to close the door

Scroll to the lower right corner of your screen and click the “Close Door” button. 

When you're in a private office or conference room, you will see the entrance or door visibly close. When you're in a common area, a barrier will surround your space.

Please note that anyone in your closed sound zone can open and close the door. (You don't want to lock them in forever, right?) 

When you're ready to open the door, head back to the bottom right corner and hit the “Open Door” button.

Here is a bit more detail on why private Sounds Zones are important in Katmai.