Can people in my office hear my conversation?

A sound zone is a unique benefit of working in Katmai. Read on to learn how it works.

Ever had a loud talker in the next conference room bleed into your meeting? Katmai makes sure that never happens. In Katmai, there are zones where sound can only be heard by the people inside the area. These areas are called sound zones.

When you’re in a sound zone, your audio will only be heard by people sharing that space and won't carry beyond it. When you create a space, you'll have the option to add different types of sounds zones, including: 

  • Individual offices
  • Patios
  • Lounges
  • Couches
  • Conference rooms

How can you tell if someone has entered your sound zone?

Having a private conversation and don't want someone to accidentally intrude? Katmai lets you know who is in your sound zone in several ways: 
  • If you’re facing the entrance, you’ll be able to see anyone who enters the zone.
  • You’ll hear a chime that lets you know someone has joined the sound zone you are in.
  • You can see the number of participants in your sound zone at  the bottom right corner of your screen.


Why sound zones are important:

Privacy: Your audio and screen shared content in your meeting are only accessible to those in the sound zone. However, if your door is open, someone could potentially enter the zone.

To enhance the security of sound zones, we also offer a “close the door” feature. You'll notice the option to close your door as you first enter a room. When the door is closed, your audio and screen shared content remains private to only the participants in the zone, providing an extra layer of security by preventing anyone outside from entering the meeting room.

Focus: Sound zones offer better focus so you can concentrate without the background noise of a physical office, You won't need to tune out coworkers talking about their weekend or shouting questions between cubicles. You can still see your coworkers if you want to join in on those conversations, but they won't interrupt your workflow. 

Here's a bit more on how doors work in Katmai.