How do I see who's in my Katmai virtual office?

Quickly view who is in your Katmai space and their current status.

It's good to know who's in the building when you need them. To see who's in your office at any given time, go to the top left menu and click on the Users icon.

A Users window will pop up and display how many people are in your office, as well as their current status. 


What do the icons next to names mean? 

Icons beside each user's name indicate their status. 

Guest icon close up
  • Two-person icon: They're in a meeting with others (in a Sound Zone with other users)
  • Ticket icon: They are a guest (visiting via a guest pass)
  • Clock icon: The user is away (user has indicated that they're away from their virtual desk) 
  • Lock icon: Closed Zone (using the Close Door feature)

You can also check if someone's busy in Katmai using these tips